
  1. DOH White Book
  2. Maglaya
  3. Famorca

Practice Questions

Client P.L. has been complaining of persistent abdominal pain and vomiting. Upon stool examination, eggs of a parasite were seen. The description of the ova was “rounded and have a thick shell with an external mammillated layer that is stained brown”. This parasite is most likely:

  • Unfertilized Ascaris lumbricoides ova
  • Fertilized Ascaris lumbricoides ova
  • Unfertilized Trichuris trichuria ova
  • Fertilized Trichuris trichuria ova

As a community health nurse, you are expected to be knowledgeable on this parasite. The physician initially ordered for a direct fecal smear (DFS) to be performed on the client. The medical technologist exclaimed that a Kato Katz technique must be performed. Was the physician correct on his order?

  • Yes. The parasite lays about 180,000 eggs in a single day. DFS should be performed as there are enough ova to be seen and also is considered a cost-effective measure.
  • No. The parasite has a thick, mammilated layer, and needs a more effective staining technique.
  • Yes. The parasite ovum’s cell membrane is highly permeable, and a DFS can be used.
  • No. Even though the parasite has high fecundity, its total concentration may be diluted with the amount of child’s feces.

The child excreted a live worm on his feces. You noticed that the ends of the parasite were NOT curved or spiral-shaped. What is most likely the sex of the parasite?

  • Male
  • Female
  • Hermaphrodite
  • Asexual

A definitive diagnosis was given by the physician. Which of the following medications can be given to the child?

  • Praziquantel
  • Acyclovir
  • Albendazole
  • Chloramphenicol

Your current hospital is a facility that provides all basic emergency maternal and neonatal care, with the addition of blood transfusions and caesarian deliveries to mothers. With your experience in the community, you know that this is the highest level in the four- tier service delivery model. Recalling, what is the first level in this delivery model used in the Philippines?

  • Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC)
  • Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC)
  • Basic Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEONC)
  • Community-based Teams (CBTs)

In a CEmONC facility, which of the following is NOT a part of the team?

  • Midwife
  • Nurse
  • Surgeon
  • None of the Above

PHN Carlos wants to calculate the prevalence of undernutrition among preschool children. Which among the following formulae would be most appropriate to use?

  • (# of preschool children with undernutrition) divided by (# of children with undernutrition) x 100
  • (# of preschool children with undernutrition) divided by (# of preschool children) x 100
  • (# of preschool children with undernutrition) divided by (# of children) x 100
  • None of the above

Upon entry to the house, you greet the client and confirm their identity. You open your bag to take out the necessary supplies. Arrange the following supplies based on the order of use.

  • Plastic lining, board lining, paper lining, bag
  • Board lining, plastic lining, paper lining, bag
  • Plastic lining, paper lining, board lining, bag
  • None of the above

Within the pentavalent vaccine given to infants, vaccine conjugates of tetanus, pertussis, and diphtheria are included. Which of the following is the most prominent similarity among the three?

  • They are all live, attenuated vaccines.
  • They may all cause seizures for clients with history of neurologic compromise.
  • The causative agents of the diseases do not cause disease through bacterial colonization, but causes illness when they release toxins in the host body.
  • All of which may cause bacterial endocarditis to immunosuppressed infants.

Baby JGT was given the pentavalent vaccine on his 6th week. After 2 days, the client experienced seizures and a decrease in sensorium. He was rushed to the hospital, given treatment, and was sent home. The child came back to you on his 10th week. You will not give the vaccine because the child may have sensitivity on the vaccine’s component – and that is/those are?

  • Tetanus vaccine
  • Pertussis vaccine
  • Diphtheria vaccine
  • All of the above

With the alarming rise in the number of cases of the illness, you wanted to find out the extent of its lethality. The health indicator that you would use to determine this will be:

  • Proportionate mortality rate
  • Case fatality rate
  • Prevalence rate
  • Incidence rate

What is considered as fast breathing for a 6 months old.

  • >60 breaths / min
  • >50 breaths per/ min
  • >40 breaths/ min
  • None of the Above

A woman, 6 months pregnant, came to the center for consultation. Which of the following substances is contraindicated?

  • Tetanus toxoid
  • Retinol 200,000 IU
  • Ferrous sulfate 200mg
  • Potassium iodate 200 mg, capsule

During prenatal consultation, a client asked you if she can have her delivery at home. After history taking and physical examination, you advised her against a home delivery. Which of the following findings disqualifies her for a home delivery?

  • Her OB score is G5P3
  • She has some palmar pallor
  • Her blood pressure is 130/80
  • Her baby is in cephalic presentation

Using IMCI guidelines, you classify a child as having severe pneumonia. What is the best management for the child?

  • Prescribe antibiotic
  • Refer him urgently to the hospital
  • Instruct the mother to increase fluid intake
  • Instruct the mother to continue breastfeeding