Practice Questions

You are a nurse in a clinic. Which of the following information are you allowed to legally and ethically disclose confidential information about a client?

  • The diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder of a patient to the concerned government unit.
  • HIV-status of XY, a 25/M to his family members.
  • The obstetric history of a 56/F to her children
  • The diagnosis of liver cirrhosis to the client’s mother.

While doing her rounds, a nurse overheard that her co-nurse told her patient that “the nurse does not really know anything, she’s quite new in the unit.” What kind of legal tort has been violated?

  • Negligence
  • Libel
  • Assault
  • Slander

You have been appointed as a member of the Board of Nursing. You are fully aware that the ff. are duties and power of the Board except:

  • Has the authority to open and close colleges of nursing and/or nursing education programs
  • Conduct the licensure examination for nurses
  • Monitor and enforce quality standards of nursing practice in the Philippines
  • Revoke certificates of registration for the practice of nursing

Lana recently passed the nursing licensure examination. Which of the following situations will have her liable for misrepresentation?

  • If she administers phenytoin to a wrong patient
  • If she uses her husband’s license number when she signs off her chart
  • Using fake certificate and license for applying in different hospitals
  • None of the above

In the ER, you attended a 15 day old infant who was brought to ER due to asphyxiation. The infant soon died after many cycles of resuscitation. It was soon found out that he was asphyxiated by Joe, the uncle of the victim who was under the influence of alcohol. He will be held liable in which of the following crimes:

  • Infanticide
  • Homicide
  • Parricide
  • Abortion
  • Which of the following nurses are performing outside their scope of duty?
  1. Taylor, cleaning a 24h post-craniotomy wound care
  2. Allison, teaching a client how to perform suctioning at home
  3. Selena coordinating with local chief executives about an NCD program
  4. Camila, teaching a student nurse how to perform surgical scrubbing in the absence of clinical instructor
  5. Ariana, writing the prescription for Paracetamol using the doctor’s trodat
  6. Adele, assessing the size of the cervical dilatation of a patient with antenatal bleeding
  7. Lorde, a fresh graduate, performing suturing of 1st degree perineal lacerations
  • 1, 2 and 3
  • 2, 3 and 4
  • 3, 4, and 5
  • 5, 6, and 7

A couple consults in a family planning clinic. The couple is planning to use vasectomy as a family planning method of choice after having 10 children. Consent must be gained from:

  • Husband only
  • The whole family
  • The couple
  • No consent is needed

Sabrina is a 20 year old female who had undergone appendectomy. Her post-op site has been causing her pain in the last 4 hours. It was assessed by the physician and was prescribed with pain medications. However, Sabrina refuses to take the medications because it makes her sleepy. However, Linda, the nurse in charge, administered it despite objection of the patient because she feels that it will benefit the patient and that comfort from pain should be prioritized over the client’s whims. The nurse in this situation could be charged with:

  • Battery
  • Assault
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Lack of informed consent

The nurse is currently transferring a patient from bed to chair when suddenly a high intensity earthquake hit the city causing the patient and the nurse to lose balance. The client fell and sustained a number of injuries. Which of the following parties should be held liable:

  • The nurse
  • The hospital and nurse
  • Nurse and Supervisor
  • none of the above

In which of the following situations is the use of patient’s confidential medical records in court ethically responsible and legal?

  • When there is a written court order issued by the judge
  • If the client’s family requests for the chart to be used in court
  • If the client refuses to have the chart used in court
  • If the doctor has requested for the chart to be used as evidence

Jenina, after passing the board examination, did not immediately apply for work. She got married and had 3 kids. After which minimum duration, should she be required to undergo further training?

  • 5 years
  • 3years
  • 10 years
  • 5months

You are a volunteer nurse in a district hospital and in the course of your job, you accidentally brought the wrong patient to the OR. Patient decided to file a case, who should be held liable together with you?

  • Hospital
  • Head Nurse
  • Nursing Supervisor
  • None of the above

You are currently transporting a patient from the catheterization lab to her room using a wheelchair. You did not have the time to check the wheelchair because the patient was rushing to get back to her room. However, when the patient tried to stand from the wheelchair, the patient fell because its lock failed thus causing the wheelchair to slip. Patient sustained injury. Who is liable?

  • Cardo, the nurse only.
  • The hospital and the nurse
  • The hospital only
  • The head nurse and Cardo.

Lena is a staff nurse in the Pediatric ICU. She had been working as a nurse for 15 years. With the passage of RA 9173, she should know the following EXCEPT:

  • If she wants to be a dean of the college of nursing, she should have a Doctorate Degree in Nursing
  • If she wants to be a member of the BON, she should resign from employment from any private or government.
  • Her minimum base pay should not be lower than salary G15
  • None of the above

The following are grounds for revocation and suspension of certificate of registration EXCEPT:

  • Declared by the psychiatrist to be of unsound mind
  • Unprofessional and unethical conduct
  • For gross incompetence or serious ignorance
  • For malpractice or negligence in the practice of nursing